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Why Choose Us?

Commitment Icon
Exceptional Commitment to Service

We excel in service delivery by partnering closely with our clients, actively listening to their needs, and conducting thorough research to determine the most effective methods to achieve results aligned with their mission. We uphold this commitment to quality throughout the entire service lifecycle, employing feedback loops and diligent follow-through. Our core purpose revolves around delivering impactful insights. Our strength lies in our unwavering dedication to understanding and consulting on the future of information technology today.

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Extensive and Proven Expertise

At this pivotal juncture in our nation's history, experience is of utmost importance. With over 25 years of experience spanning the Public, Private, and Energy sectors, including utilities, financial services, government, and intellectual property-intensive industries, IsA possesses a wealth of experience in program and product management. This experience is invaluable in our pursuit of integrated planning, driving exceptional customer service.

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Prioritizing Well-Being

We place the well-being of our employees at the heart of our values, recognizing its pivotal role in sustainable business outcomes. From the boardroom to the back office, IsA offers confidential career coaching to foster personal growth, development, and social well-being.

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Embodies Responsibility

 IsA takes pride in upholding integrity, ethics, and accountability as the cornerstone of its operations. These values serve as the guiding principles that define the company's commitment to fostering trust, responsibility, and excellence in every aspect of its work.

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Privacy and Security

We not only collaborate closely with providers and community experts but also forge strong partnerships with them to safeguard and protect business data and applications. Our efforts are focused on mitigating the risks of threat surface expansion and potential attacks, ensuring privacy and security remain paramount.

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Our Capabilities

AI Compliance & Maturity

You can count on IsA for strategic planning and integration, along with test, verification and validation of the use of artificial intelligence for organizational maturity and to meet compliance requirements.

IsAdvice & Consulting LLC 

        P.O Box 5200 Woodbridge, VA 22194


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"Our expertise is in Public Sector, Energy, B2B, B2C, AI, Cybersecurity, & Data Management".

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